Watch Darin's interview with NRJ Germany. /Team Darin
Watch Darin's interview with NRJ Germany.
/Team Darin
Darin im ENERGY Startalk | ENERGY.DE
Schau dir hier das Interview mit dem schwedischen Newcomer an und gewinne eine von fünf signierten Singles
It's finally here, the music video for my new single in Germany "So Yours", chec...
It's finally here, the music video for my new single in Germany "So Yours", check it out!
Darin - So Yours (VIDEO)
"So Yours" ist die neueste Single des schwedischen Sängers Darin. Das Video dazu könnt ihr euch hier ansehen.
It's finally official, this summer I'm performing at the Peace & Love festival i...
It's finally official, this summer I'm performing at the Peace & Love festival in Borlänge. See you there!
Darin - Peace & Love
Sveriges topplistor har under vintern totalt dominerats av Darin. Etta och tvåa på Spotify. Etta, två och fyra på iTunes. Tvåa och trea på Singellistan. Etta på Digilistan.…
Done with the performance, got flowers from Princess Victoria herself and had th...
Done with the performance, got flowers from Princess Victoria herself and had the chance to have a chat with her, Prince Daniel, King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia. Very nice evening.
Missa inte mig i "Fredagkväll med Malin" idag kl 19.40 i SVTB!
Missa inte mig i "Fredagkväll med Malin" idag kl 19.40 i SVTB!
Today i have the privilege of performing for the Swedish Royal family together w...
Today i have the privilege of performing for the Swedish Royal family together with the symphony orchestra from my old school Lilla Akademien. The concert is for supporting different charity organisations. Looking forward to it.
Radio interviews in Berlin Germany, NRJ right now! #SoYours
Radio interviews in Berlin Germany, NRJ right now! #SoYours
Nu repar jag tillsammans med mitt band inför konserterna på Cirkus i Stockholm d...
Nu repar jag tillsammans med mitt band inför konserterna på Cirkus i Stockholm den 17 april, Trägår’n i Göteborg den 18 April och KB i Malmö den 19 april. Ser verkligen fram emot det, vi syns där!